Recovered Swivel Dining Room Chairs

16 May

Dining room chairs to recover

I’ve been wanting to recover these swivel dining chairs for some time now. They were still in good shape (I’ve had them for over 18 years) but the fabric and design are outdated and I wanted to add more color to the room.

New fabric

This is the fabric I chose. I found it at Joann’s at 40% off. I can’t believe how expensive home décor fabric is, but it’s still cheaper to recover than purchase new chairs!

Remove cushions from frame and base

The first thing I did was to remove the cushions from the frame and legs and then remove the fabric from the cushions.

Remove staples with screw driver and pliers

For the bottom cushion, I had to remove the dust cover and the fabric. There was a TON of staples! To remove the staples I used a small flat head screwdriver to pull up one side of the staple and then needle nose pliers to pull out the other side.

Remove old fabric from Back cushion

For the back cushion, I removed the staples at the bottom and slipped off the cover. I ripped the cover apart and saw that the seam allowance was about 3/8”. I ironed all the pieces and used them to determine how much material I needed for 4 chairs.   

Use old fabric pieces to cutout new ones

I cut the new pattern pieces from the old ones.

staple new fabric to seat cusion

Pulling the fabric tightly, I stapled the fabric to the seat cushion. Then I stapled on the dust cover.

I sewed the back cushion cover and slipped it over the cushion. I left the plastic on the top of the cushion because it makes it easier to slip the cover on. I added more batting and then stapled the bottom opening in place.

Attach cushions to frame

I attached the cushions to the chair base and frame.

Attach back cushion

To insert the side screws, I used pins to locate the holes in the cushion, then used a nail set punch to poke a hole through the fabric.

Recovered Swivel Dining Chairs

Here they are!  I’m really pleased how well they turned out. The fabric is beautiful and definitely adds more color to the room!

2 Responses to “Recovered Swivel Dining Room Chairs”

  1. May 20, 2014 at 5:16 PM #

    Hi Peg your chairs turned out great what’s your next project ? Diane

    • pegeads May 20, 2014 at 5:20 PM #

      Thanks! I’ve got some leftover fabric, so I’ll probably make new toaster and can opener covers.

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